Board Meeting 10.17.17
Date: Tuesday, Oct 17, 2017
Time: 7:00 pm
Place : Islander Pool Deck, 7928 West Drive, North Bay Village, FL 33141
1) Call to Order and Quorum
Meeting was called to order at 7:05 pm.
In Attendance: Yasmine, Sachin, Dominique, Patrick
2) Ratification of Previous Minutes
The Board voted to ratify the election results, held on Oct 12th, 2017 prepared by the independent monitor. Additionally the Board voted to ratify the organizational minutes prepared by Alean immediately after the election meeting, specifying officer positions.
3) Financials
It was noted that the Islander Association is over budget in areas related to Repair and Maintenance. Initial statements prepared have not clarified the specific expenses incurred in the year to date.
The Board requested to setup a call with the Associa accounting department to discuss financials in more detail on Thursday, Oct 19th at 12:00 pm. Yasmine and Dominique to attend the call.
4) Legal Representation
It was discussed that a new attorney is necessary as current association attorney Mike Halberg has not provided counsel in the interests of the entire association membership. It was also discussed that Halberg has served well in a collections capacity. The Board will continue to explore new attorneys and consider the importance of collections in any new arrangement.
5) Elevators
A brief history of the elevator project and reasons for repairs was discussed. The Board was in agreement to move forward on Bass - the fire alarm company already chosen to continue the retrofits to the existing fire panel.
Regarding the electrical portion of the elevator retrofit, it was noted that Todd Schwartz the CEO of Connections Elevator had reviewed the two main electrical proposals and recommended Austin Electric with certain caveats.
It was also noted that new service contracts would be necessary for the elevator and fire alarm system once the renovation was completed. Existing contracts with providers should be reviewed, so proper notice can be given.
Finally, because the elevator modernization will take many months to complete, the Board agreed to repair the existing elevator in need of a new door motor at a price of $3600.
Action Items:
-Sachin to follow up with Austin Electric on pricing.
6) Collections
It was noted that the Bylaws state that payments are due by the 10th of the month, despite previous management company practices.
The Accounts Receivable was reviewed, and it was noted that units 405, 601, 607, 803, PH8, and 903 should all be forwarded to Mike Halberg for collections. Generally it was agreed by the Board, that accounts that were 90 days past due in excess of $2000 should by default be forwarded for collections. Accounts below this threshold can be pursued by Alean before they reach this threshold.
Action Items:
-Alean will send accounts receivable report each month with financials, along with Mike Halberg's monthly collections summary.
Dominique to follow up monthly with Alean for progress on individual accounts.
7) Windows & Doors
S&O installed a certain percentage of windows (30-40%?). These windows are not warrantied. General Impact installed the remaining windows. The General Impact windows are covered by a 5 year warranty for installation.
It was noted that General Impact has been extremely difficult to schedule to actually correct deficiencies.
It was also noted that in addition to roughly 15 or so leaks reported, the windows by the elevators have some leaks - despite Aruba already coming out once to repair stucco in that area.
Action Items:
-Alean to find at least 2 companies to bid on sealing windows, to cover at least S&O Windows
-Alean to follow up with General Impact / Aruba regarding repairs.
-Sachin will attempt to find more detailed breakdown of S&O / General Impact windows and fwd to Alean
8) Hallways
The Board reviewed multiple bids of varying scope for renovation of the hallways.
After some discussion, the Board voted to move forward with the bid prepared by KLR for $191k, attached to minutes.
It was noted that a special assessment would be needed to finance work, and that assessment should be for the bid + ~20% for contingencies, which came to $230k.
Action Items:
-Alean to prepare notice for special assessment meeting for KLR bid plus contingencies for $230k, to be held Nov 7th @ 7pm. Board to review documentation before it is sent out.
9) The Meeting was adjourned at 8:39 pm.
Post meeting it was noted that the 40 year electrical certification needs to be closed out.
Islander Club