Budget Meeting Minutes 3.6.18
Date: Tuesday, March 6, 2018
Time: 7:00 pm
Place : Islander Pool Deck, 7928 West Drive, North Bay Village, FL 33141
1) Call to Order and Quorum
Meeting was called to order at 7:02 pm.
In Attendance: Yasmine, Sachin, Cesar, Patrick
2) Discussion of 2018 Budget
The proposed budget matched the 2017 budget. The Board discussed various aspects of the budget including major costs such as water, electricity, insurance, management fees, major contracts, etc. The Board fielded questions from unit owners.
The Board passed the 2017 proposed budget mailed to unit owners.
3) Ratification of Previous Minutes
The Board ratified previous meeting minutes.
4) Adjournment
The Meeting was adjourned.
Islander Club